
[Starbase]Technical Report: Tripmeter, Accelerometer and Transient response

Relationship between Acceleration, Velocity, and Position(加速度、速度、位置の関係)The Accelerometer Preparation(加速度計の準備)Principle: ...

[Starbase]Research of the Simulation Speed,Thrust,and Mass

Speed, Thrust, and Mass simulator不具合が見つかりましたらyoutubeのビデオにコメントを付けていただけると助かります。If you find any problems, it would be helpf...

[Starbase]Technical Report : Auto Speed Control

YOLOL cord for Auto Speed Control : PID Speed ControlCode to PID Controlkp=0.05 ki=0.05 kd=0.1 dt=0.4 eo=en if :as==0 th...

[Starbase] Research of Enhancer Placement

最適な配置方法を導き出すための、エンハンサーの挙動の調査です。 This is a study of enhancer behavior in order to figure out the best way to place enhanc...

[Starbase]Technical Report : Exact Averages in Yolol.

YOLOL cord sample for Arithmetic mean with no data storageFirst chipA simple error check. And record measurements by sum...

[Starbase]Research of Another Speedometer.

高精度で応答がリアルタイムなリングの先でも使える速度計を導入しましょう。Install a speedometer that can be used beyond the ring with high accuracy and real-t...

[Starbase]Research of speed vs Frame rate.

Ship speed is not constant, depending on the individual's environment, even on the same ship, and that includes an upper...

[Starbase] Blast Radius and Safety Margin.

For people who challenge shipbuilding.Please see the video for features other than distance.Blast RadiusBuild591Safety M...

[Warframe] Railjack Recommended Build

Now that I've finished collecting the exclusive Empyrean rewards, I can complete the game in a short 5-6 minutes. I'd li...

[Warframe] Recommended locations to Collect Relics for Prime items

For those who collect all current prime itemsA place where all Relics can be retrieved at high speedRewardLocationMissio...